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Booking Cancellations

Service bookings being cancelled can have a significant impact on a business, extending beyond just a momentary inconvenience. These cancellations disrupt the carefully planned schedules of employees and resources, leading to wasted time and potential revenue loss. Moreover, they can strain customer relations and erode trust, as customers may perceive the business as unreliable. In the long term, a pattern of frequent cancellations can harm the company's reputation, making it difficult to attract and retain clients. To mitigate these effects, businesses must establish clear cancellation policies, improve communication with clients, and invest in strategies to minimize no-shows, ultimately safeguarding their operations and reputation in a competitive market.

Mitigating the effects of a cancellation

Some methods to help reduce the rate of cancellation.

  1. Setup credit card collection.

  2. Setup deposits.

  3. Introduce a cancellation policy.

Managing cancellations

Where can you find cancelled bookings?

  1. Cancellations page

  2. Viewing the request from the contact card

  3. Diary search

Cancellation Fees

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