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Quick Start

Meet Wilford - The pioneering booking solution that’s reinventing what’s possible

We partner with some of the world’s most prestigious brands to enrich their online experience to equal the real-world expectations of their clientele. It’s led to reinventing how online booking reacts and serves your business.

Offering a solution that empowers everyone in your company

For any solution to be truly elegant, it must work for everyone. Our booking tools meet your customers' and your in-house teams' needs. Whether it's your reception or finance department, everyone is treated with parity to ensure the seamless transition that is behind any exceptional service.

Let’s get started

You should recieve an invitation email from either our team or your company administrator. Accepting the invite will let you create a new account, or sign into an existing one.
Since this is our first time, we will be creating a new account.

The email containing a link the accept the invitation.

The screen where you can create an account or login.

Creating our login and accepting the terms & conditions.

After creating your login, you will be greeted by the launchpad. This is where you can navigate to any of the Wilford consoles you have been granted access to.

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