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Setting Up Service/ Treatment Menu

Experience the flexibility and power of our software system that enables users to effortlessly add and configure services to suit their unique needs. Whether you prefer selecting from our comprehensive list of pre-existing options or crafting entirely new services from scratch, our platform puts you in control. With the ability to fine-tune every aspect of your chosen services, from features to functionalities, you can tailor your digital experience like never before. Join our community of satisfied users who have harnessed this remarkable level of customization to create services that perfectly align with their vision. Try it now and discover the full potential of service personalization!

Setting up services consists of two steps.

  1. Creating Services For Your Business

  2. Assigning Services To Your Staff

Multiple sites

If you operate multiple sites, you just need to create the service once, and you can then allocate it to other sites by creating variants.

Adding Your Services To Other Locations

Multiple prices

If you have different prices for different staff members, you should not create service variants for each price.
Instead, you should override them for the staff member.

Overriding a Service's Price for a Staff Member

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