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Gift Cards

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lacinia libero nisi, sed gravida eros finibus id. Duis dui sem, vulputate eget velit nec, posuere blandit tortor.

Gift Card Types


Quisque vitae nisl mollis, posuere augue ac, aliquam eros. Curabitur lobortis pretium malesuada. Etiam gravida purus ac nunc laoreet pharetra. Ut tempus auctor feugiat.


Maecenas venenatis mi et turpis rhoncus varius. Nunc feugiat, purus quis varius ornare, magna nunc lobortis sapien, id luctus sem dolor ac dolor.

Configuration - General Information

General information screen for gift cards


The name of the gift card.
Shown in the diary, online, and in reports.

The value of the gift card is often shown next to the title, so you may choose to not set the title as the value.

Promo Text



Can either be a fixed amount or flexible amount.


How long the gift card is valid for after purchasing it.
The default is ‘not limited'.

Purchasable Online

Primary Online Design

The primary online design is shown on the email the recipient receives.

One of our colour presets may be used, or a custom image.
Suggested ratio for images is 11:5.

Design shown on the checkout screen

Design shown on the email

Secondary Online Design

Alternative design that is shown on the list of vouchers.
Useful if the purchaser needs to be shown a different image to the recipient.

Secondary design shown on the list of vouchers for promotional reasons

Custom Terms and Conditions

Configuration - Email Template



Main Text

Additional Text

Include Terms and Conditions

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