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Staff Configuration



This is the name of your staff member. You may use their full name, first name, or any other name.

The name of the staff member will be shown whenever they are referenced. Such areas include the diary, online bookings, reports, and the finance manager.

Display Title


You may want to use a different name for a staff member, such as a shortened name, or a nickname. But still want to keep their full name for reporting. Display titles are a great way to do this.

The display title overrides the staff member’s name in some areas.
These areas include:

  • Diary

  • Online bookings

  • Emails related to the booking



The subtitle field can be used to place additional text below the staff member’s name.
A use of this, is displaying their role or level.

Subtitles can be seen:

  • Diary

  • Online bookings (when viewing the staff’s description)

Employee Reference


Vestibulum vestibulum, nisi imperdiet ultricies pulvinar, mauris metus blandit magna, vitae sollicitudin diam orci vitae nisl. In porttitor sem vel dui pellentesque finibus. Nam sagittis fringilla sem, vitae molestie neque tempor ut. Ut semper ornare tempor. Vivamus sit amet sem eget erat facilisis ullamcorper tempor ut elit.



Ut vel nulla odio. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent venenatis leo ac augue mollis vulputate. Proin tortor est, dapibus et massa a, dictum convallis arcu. Donec a volutpat lorem. Etiam sodales laoreet dapibus. Vivamus maximus nec leo vel euismod.

Profile Pic


Vivamus bibendum molestie ullamcorper. In volutpat hendrerit nibh, sed malesuada risus elementum at. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus at urna feugiat, pellentesque velit at, laoreet lacus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi consequat leo quis pretium rutrum. Sed posuere massa a velit vulputate pellentesque. Nam porta elit in luctus aliquam. Pellentesque commodo mollis massa eu auctor. Integer vitae ipsum a dolor finibus rhoncus.



Donec accumsan ornare purus, a pulvinar ex elementum sed. Nulla scelerisque mollis vulputate. Nullam massa risus, finibus et placerat sed, bibendum ac enim.

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